Terms of Use

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.

The owner and operator of this website is the company Sertaridis Georgios, with the distinctive title JEWELRYRIDER.COM. The headquarters of our company are located in Argyroupoli, Kilkis P.C. 61100.

Import Before using this website, users are invited to carefully read and comply with the following terms and conditions (here in after referred to as the “Terms”) governing the use of our online store and the websites it contains, which bind all visitors and users. The user of the website automatically accepts these Terms if he chooses to register as a member. The use of our online store and the services we offer, requires unconditional acceptance of said Terms by users. In case a user disagrees with these Terms, he is requested not to use this website.

jewelryrider.com has the right at any time and without notice to revise, modify or abolish These Terms unilaterally, at its sole discretion, while updating this text for any change or addition. It also reserves the right to establish more specific terms of use, which are considered as a whole with these general Terms of Use, but in case of conflict between them, the special terms of use prevail. Any invalidity of some of these Terms does not invalidate the rest. The non-exercise by jewelryrider.com of its rights under these Terms does not imply its waiver of these rights, nor does it imply tacit termination. jewelryrider.com is not responsible for violation of these Terms due to force mature, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, extreme weather events, strikes, etc.
Each user uses this website at his own sole responsibility, its content in no case cannot be construed as providing advice or inducements directly or indirectly; to users to take any action.

Generally The use of this website must be made exclusively for lawful purposes and in a way that does not hinder its use by third parties, and the visitor / user is obliged to use it in accordance with the law, morality and these Terms and not to proceed to acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it (website), or affect or endanger the provision of services by jewelryrider.com through it. This website and the services offered through it.
They are addressed exclusively to adults. It is forbidden to minors people to use or visit it, as well as to enter into transactions. jewelryrider.com bears no responsibility whatsoever for any visit to this website and its use by minors, since it cannot verify the identity of incoming users.

jewelryrider.com tries to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this web site The site depends on various factors such as the technical equipment of the users, the number of users trying to connect simultaneously to this website or to the Internet, etc. The jewelryrider.com is also entitled to maintain the website, even if this results in its interruption.

jewelryrider.com is still entitled at any time and without notice to change the nature and content of this website, as well as to temporarily suspend or discontinue or and permanently its operation. The operation of this website may also be interrupted, suspended or impeded for reasons beyond the control or control of the jewelryrider.com. jewelryrider.com makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, validity and clarity of the information and general content of this website jewelryrider.com but does not guarantee, nor is it liable to users
, for the security and content of the website. Users of this website accept the weakness of the jewelryrider.com check all its content and services offered through it. Furthermore, jewelryrider.com does not guarantee that the use by users of the website of information, data or materials included in its content, do not infringe third party rights.

Limitation of liability Users who do not trust the jewelryrider.com are requested not to visit or use this website or the services offered through it. Users are also asked to use software to protect against viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, or other harmful programs and components. jewelryrider.com is not responsible for shortages in product availability due to force mature, weather conditions, fire, supplier strikes, illegal behavior of third parties and in general reasons not attributable to fault on the part of the jewelryrider.com

The jewelryrider.com shall not be liable for the poor condition of the products delivered, provided that this is not due to improper storage of the products by the jewelryrider.com and provided that all the precautionary measures that the jewelryrider.com should have taken have been taken have been taken.

jewelryrider.com is not responsible for side effects and damages from the use of ordered products due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or incorrect use of the products, or to the fault of the manufacturer, such as manufacturing fault, incomplete information or instructions accompanying the products, quality of workmanship, material safety and actual defects. Our liability in the event of a defective product is limited to an obligation to replace it, if the conditions are met return products.

The jewelryrider.com is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide its services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of ordered products due to reasons that cannot be attributed to its fault, such as force mature, extreme weather events, natural disasters, emergencies, strikes, fire, malfunctions of the cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after they are given for shipment, illegal interventions of the counter party or third party, malfunction of the Internet Payment Processing provider (Bank) or the Host Provider or Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Access Service Provider or terminal equipment of the user, incorrect provision of data by the user and generally for any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of its contractual obligations. The Company’s liability is limited to its obligations under the contract with the consumer and will pay all possible efforts to respond within a reasonable time to them.

In response to user questions, advice and information provided by this website is fully valid and reliable, but is given subject to the accuracy, completeness and truth of the information provided by the user on the issue that concerns him, the characteristics of which (information) we are not able, nor are we obliged to confirm. In case the user provides untrue, inaccurate and/or incomplete information, our Company is relieved of responsibility for the validity of the advice provided to the user and of liability for damage to the user by information and/or advice inappropriate for his needs.
The jewelryrider.com shall in no case be liable for any claims of a legal (civil and/or criminal nature), nor for any damage (positive, special, or consequential which, indicatively and not restrictively, alternatively and/or cumulatively, consists of loss profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.), which arises for users of this website, or for third parties, due to a cause related to the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available through it and / or from any unauthorized interventions of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through it. Furthermore, the jewelryrider.com bears no responsibility whatsoever for damage or damage, or infection by electronic viruses and / or other malicious programs, on the computer or other electronic means used by a user / visitor to access this website, nor is responsible for damage related to failure to perform, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay of operation or emission or dropline of system, etc. This online store provides the content (eg)
information, names, photographs, illustrations, etc.), the products and services available through this website “as is”, without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. Also, jewelryrider.com does not guarantee that the content of this website and the quality of the services provided through it will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of its users. Any direct, consequential, incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising from access to This website, or your use thereof, does not create liability for jewelryrider.com, its officers, employees or associates.
This website, in order to facilitate and serve its users, may provide, inter alia, a link through “links”, hyperlinks or advertising banners, to websites and websites of third parties, for the content, the privacy policy, the security policy, the completeness and quality of the services provided, or their terms of use, jewelryrider.com cannot guarantee, nor does it bear responsibility. The connection to these websites and webpages is at the sole responsibility of each user / visitor. The above third parties, providers of these websites and webpages, have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for security. The legality and validity of the content of their websites and webpages, excluding any liability of the jewelryrider.com, such as indicatively liability for intellectual property rights or any third party right. Users are therefore obliged to address themselves directly to the above third party providers, for anything arising from the visit or use of their websites and webpages. Despite the fact that the users of this website accept that jewelryrider.com is neither obliged nor able to control the security and content of both websites and webpages and third party services, to which it provides access, it is entitled at any time to remove, modify or discontinue any third party service or link with websites and websites of a third party, if in its judgment the law or the present are threatened or violated.

Terms. Conduct and obligations of users Users are obliged to comply with all relevant Greek, European and International laws and regulations, including indicatively and not restrictively the laws concerning the protection of intellectual property, the protection of personal data data, competition protection, etc. Users must also make use of this website and the services offered through it in a manner consistent with morality and these Terms.
Users accept that they will not use this website to send an e-mail or otherwise transmit or publish content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, blasphemous, libelous, violates the privacy of third parties, shows empathy or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, which may cause harm to minors in any way, which is not entitled to be transmitted under the law or contractual or management relationships (such as inside information.
property, or other proprietary rights of third parties, containing software viruses or any other code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, damage, or destroy computer operating equipment, software, or hardware. To the extent that it is possible to use this website on the wider Internet, this should be done in accordance with the terms dictated by the “Code of Conduct for Internet Users (Netiquette), and the use of practices contrary to this code is expressly prohibited.
Non-compliance of a user/visitor herein website with the applicable law and/or these Terms, entitles jewelryrider.com to take the necessary measures and to take any action necessary to address this Behavior. Thus, in such cases, it was entitled jewelryrider.com, for example, to prohibit access to services provided through the this website or delete, edit or move messages, respecting of course the principle of proportionality.
Each user/visitor of this website is also obliged not to perform acts or omissions that may harm or disrupt its operation and third party access to it, or which may jeopardise the provision of the services offered by it jewelryrider.com through it. The use of the website in an illegal manner or in a manner contrary to these Terms gives rise to an obligation to compensate jewelryrider.com, for any positive or consequential damage suffered by the above behavior. Each user/visitor is also obliged not to provide false information about his/her person, not to impersonate any other person, not to send unsolicited or group mail,
nor multiple copies of messages, as well as not to collect information about other users of the website without their consent, including financial data; and e-mail addresses.
Any costs or compensation that may be required to be paid by jewelryrider.com, due to breach by a user/visitor of his/her obligations under these Terms, shall be borne by the said user/visitor, who shall be obliged to pay them to the wecare.gr directly and without the latter having to go to court. Personal data – Privacy Policy
The management by the jewelryrider.com and the protection of the personal data of the users of this website are governed by the relevant Greek and European legislation and these Terms. The website jewelryrider.com designed with the appropriate operational and internal systems and complies with European legislation on data protection (EU Regulation 679/2016 – GDPR).
This Policy has been adopted by the company under the name Sertaridis Georgios, with the distinctive title JEWELRYRIDER.COM which is legally represented by Sertaridis George who is the Controller of our personal data administer. The headquarters of our company are located at: Argyroupoli, Kilkis P.C.61100, Our company is responsible for protecting you every time you use the jewelryrider.com either as a simple user, or as a consumer-buyer, or as a Member and to inform you of all the information you need, in accordance with articles 12, 13 and 14 of the new GDPR applied since May 25, 2018 at European level. During the visit and use of this website and in view of the provision by the jewelryrider.com of the services it offers through it, they may be asked to provide information about them (eg name, profession, telephone number, email address, date of birth, etc.).
Personal data declared by Users anywhere on the websites and services of this website, are intended solely for the ensuring the operation of the respective service and may not be used by third parties without complying with applicable laws.Personal data of users requested by jewelryrider.com are limited to information necessary for the operation of the online store and the provision of the services offered through it, in order to better serve them, always in accordance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997 on the protection of personal data, as well as Law 3471/2006 on data protection in the context of electronic commerce, as in force each year time.
The jewelryrider.com reserves the right to inform active customers by informative email. The user can unsubscribe from the list of informative emails by clicking on the link included in the informative email. The jewelryrider.com may collect, store and process personal data of the users of this website only if the above data are provided by the interested parties voluntarily, for the following purposes: For the provision of services chosen by users through the this website (eg purchase of products, information on new products, participation in competitions, etc.). To better serve users.To collect information from users (feedback) about the products and services offered in jewelryrider.com and to improve them based on the information collected.To inform users about the new products of jewelryrider.com with their consent. to inform users for new jewelryrider.com products with their consent. to inform users about offers of jewelryrider.com, as well as for any competitions, with the consent of to advertise and promote its products jewelryrider.com remotely, with the consent of users; for market research and communication with users, with their consent. to improve the awareness of the jewelryrider.com.Personal data voluntarily provided by users of this website may be collected by jewelryrider.com in a File, stored and processed by it for the relevant purpose.
The owner and controller of the personal data collected in the above way and of the file created for the above purposes will be the jewelryrider.com at whose headquarters the above file will be installed. The recipient of the personal data provided by the users of this website is only the jewelryrider.com that may transmit them to affiliated companies, for operational and IT service of its trading relations with these users, as well as for statistical and historical reasons. Users who have disclosed their personal data in jewelryrider.com have the following rights:
The right of access to data concerning them held by the jewelryrider.com. The right to object to the processing of data concerning them. Users have the right to object at any time to the Company for the Processing of Personal Data concerning them. The objections will be addressed to the Company and should contain a request for a specific action, such as correction, temporary non-use, commitment, non-transmission, deletion.The right to information about (a) all personal data concerning them, as well as their origin, (b) the purposes of processing, (c) the recipients or categories of recipients (c) the progress of processing during the period since their previous update or information, (d) the logic of automated processing, (e) where applicable, the rectification, erasure or blocking of data whose processing does not comply with the provisions Law 2472/1997 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The consent of participants to the collection and processing of their personal data may be revoked at any time, but without retroactive effect. The right to temporary judicial protection.The correction or deletion thereof and restriction of processing. Users of this website may, at any time, request in writing the correction of their Personal Data by the Company to the extent that they are incomplete and/or incorrect. Legitimate requests for deletion of Personal Data will be satisfied within a reasonable time from the proven receipt of the relevant request. These requests are mainly legitimate in case there is no longer a legitimate reason for processing this data. The retention periods of Personal Data, set by national legislation, will be respected.
The jewelryrider.com complies with all its statutory obligations. The subject of personal data has the right to request at any time to stop sending the above informational and advertising-promotional material from jewelryrider.com. In order to exercise the right of objection provided by Law 2472/1997 and GDPR, the personal data controller must request in writing from the Controller a specific action, such as the correction of personal data concerning him/her, their temporary non-use, their commitment, their non-transmission, or their deletion. If the user/visitor voluntarily discloses his/her personal or sensitive data through this website directly to: Third parties It is for him to investigate the terms of protection of those data by those third parties. The user/visitor accepts that the jewelryrider.com has no responsibility whatsoever for such disclosures and for any subsequent use of such data by other persons. Similarly, jewelryrider.com bears no responsibility whatsoever for any disclosure by users of the present website personal and/or sensitive data of third parties through the website without its prior consent data stakeholder.
Each user/visitor guarantees the accuracy and authenticity of the personal data concerning him/her that he/she submits to jewelryrider.com as well as the right to submit such data. The jewelryrider.com opposes the collection of personal data of minors and its policy is not to collect or process data of these persons. Traffic tracking Like most websites, jewelryrider.com uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user activity. determine the number of people who use our website, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their progress through the site. Although GA records data such as geographic Your location, your device, your internet browser and your operating system, none of this information makes you personally known to us. GA also records your computer’s IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not give us access to it.We consider Google to be a third party data processor, which is compliant with the requirements of European legislation. Send newsletter To send newsletters, and to protect your data, we trust and work with the MailChimp platform (www.mailchimp.com to which we give with your consent your e-mail address for sending newsletters in accordance with its Terms and Privacy Policy. You may exercise, as appropriate, the right of access, correction and deletion of personal data directly through your User profile or request it via e-mail at [email protected] email address. In the latter case, the Company will take every possible measure to satisfy your request within thirty (30) days, informing you in writing, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016). In any case, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, Kifisias 1-3 Athens 11523, tel.210 6475600 E-mail [email protected] (alternatively: Personal Data Protection Authority) The company, with respect to your privacy, will never send you unsolicited e-mail (via promotional emails – spamming). Messages with advertising content and information messages about offers of Our online store,discounts and contests will receive only if you subscribe to the Newsletter of our online store. Our Company, in the general use of commercial communications, respects the professional rules governing the independence, dignity and ethics of the profession, the professional confidentiality, honesty towards clients and colleagues and ethical rules (article 7 Presidential Decree 131/2003).
Intellectual Property Rights This website and its content, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, informational material, services and products, trademarks, names, distinctive features, any form of data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific rights of third parties, constitute intellectual and industrial property in jewelryrider.com and are protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. Also, anything that is transferred, retransmitted or sent via this website, constitutes its property jewelryrider.com, if possible and lawful. Intellectual property shall be acquired without the need for any further formality and without the need for a contract or prohibition clause against of its insults.
Any copying, modification is expressly prohibited analogue/digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, rental, storage, printing, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the real provider of the website and its content. The names, images, logos, trademarks and distinctive features representing the jewelryrider.com and appearing on this website are property of jewelryrider.com or third parties and are protected by Greek, European and international laws on intellectual and industrial property. The use is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the jewelryrider.com or their rightful owner.Products, names, trademarks and distinctive features of third parties, appearing on this website, are their intellectual and industrial property, who bear sole responsibility for them. In any case, the appearance and display of the above on this website should in no way be construed as transfer or grant of an express or implied license or right to use them. The information that users of this website may submit to jewelryrider.com through it, are considered as non-confidential information and do not constitute an asset of this website.
due to user/visitor. In addition, the jewelryrider.com may collect limited and necessary information on the general commercial activities.

Safety jewelryrider.com recognizes the importance of the issue of the security of the personal data of the users of this website and makes every reasonable effort, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure their security. Users, however, should be aware that sending confidential information By e-mail it is not the most secure way of communication, as it always involves the risk of reading this information by third parties.

Cookies Like most websites, this one uses cookies, so that jewelryrider.com has access to certain information every time a user/visitor browses its online store. Without cookies it would be impossible jewelryrider.com to offer users of this website important services such as order status, storage of products in the cart, etc. Cookies are alphanumeric files that are transmitted to the hard drive of the computer of users of a website and serve to keep statistics that are necessary to offer services such as those mentioned above, as well as to define popular websites or to marketing reasons and the access of the user / visitor to the website / website he wishes.
Cookies do not pose risks to the computer of the user / visitor of the website. If someone does not wish to collect information through cookies, he can configure his internet browser to delete cookies already existing on his hard drive and choose either to automatically reject all new cookies, or to be asked each time a cookie is to be installed on the computer’s hard drive, if he wants to reject or accept it. However, users should be aware that choosing to reject cookies will make it more difficult or impossible to use parts and services of the website.

Applicable law The above Terms are subject to and construed in accordance with Greek law. If any provision is held invalid or voidable by the competent Greek court, it shall cease to be valid, without this affecting the validity of the remaining Terms.